Discover just how profitable your practice can become in just a few weeks from now…Guaranteed!
THIS SIMPLE FORMULA Automatically & Professionally Attracts “PAY, STAY, AND REFER®” Patients!… Even Without a C.A., More Equipment, Hard-Selling, Or Doing Things YOU KNOW You Won’t Do!
…The one solution that creates thousands of additional dollars for you every month.
Congratulations! You may not already know it, but you have already put yourself on a better path to success. Just by taking action and requesting this information, you have proven that you are open-minded and willing to listen to what other docs are successfully doing.
These days, for most D.C.s, owning a practice is difficult. The paperwork, insurance, staff, patient management, the expenses, the taxes…all stuff that distracts from what you love to do, want to do, and need to do.
As the breadwinner for your family, you probably feel the pressure to produce, to bring in enough money to pay for all of those the expenses to run a home, pay down debt, save, invest, travel, and enjoy life along the way.
My guess is that nobody puts more pressure on you than you do.
When things go well in practice, you probably feel pretty good. When they don’t, you may feel a little lost, afraid, stressed, moody, even angry. Every day feels like a game of survival.
You are not alone.
These days, it seems like every Chiropractor online that is pitching you wants to teach you how to build your practice the way they have (or the way they want you to believe that they have)…yet they aren’t making their money in the trenches like you… and that’s totally fine provided that they can help you but their proof, testimonials and endorsements are weak or few at best.
Even those who can help won’t do the work for you. They merely sell the shovels.
If you’re like most Chiropractors, you’ve been to the seminars, hired the practice management consultants, bought the equipment, and experimented with all the different ways to market your practice, process your patients, and manage all the moving parts of a Chiropractic practice. It’s a lot.
The Seminars…
Attending seminars IS fun. I’ve been to, spoke at, and hosted many. They are as close to a tax-free vacation as you are going to get. You are in a room full of like-minded Chiropractors. The experience is, for the most part, enjoyable.
You return home with a newfound feeling of excitement, optimism, and motivation.
As the weeks pass, those feelings wane and reality returns.
What’s remains is a credit card statement with more expenses—the new clothes, the flights, the hotel, the restaurants, the cost of the time off from the practice—but no real net change in the practice.
Practice Management…
If you’ve hired a practice management consultant, you are not alone. I have. In the 90’s when I first started out, I hired 3 of them.
All in, it cost me of over $50,000… and that didn’t include the financial loss of the bad advice, the time, and all the patients that I turned off.
Scripts, selling, staff turnover.
I realized (and I guess that you have too) that these practice management companies don’t consider what patients want. They paint a pie in the sky of what Chiropractors want…knowing darn well that their advice is not sustainable for the long run…in the real world with real patients.
You’re a Doctor, not a marketer. You can’t afford to spend your time marketing, nor do you want to. Your practice, your patients, your family, and your personal matters take up most of your time and residency in your head…as they should.
In addition, social media marketing is getting more complex, time consuming and things change all the time.
There is a better way. An easier and much more effective way…
How will you see a drastic improvement in your practice in a short period of time without losing money, risking your reputation, and doing what you don’t want to do?…
For example…
- Patients with insurance want to use it.
- Patients want to get out of pain and out of your office as quickly as possible.
- Patients don’t want to be seen 3 times a week for a month, twice a week for a month, then once a week for a month…and then every month for the rest of their lives.
They want to get in and get out.
So why do so many Chiropractors over treat, over charge, and over work?
Because they think…
“You can’t make money giving patients ONLY what THEY want.”
“The only way to make money is to bill as much as possible out of every patient.”
“The money is in functional medicine, P.I., D.M.E., “niche marketing”.
The time, energy, and risk involved with doing anything other than what patients already want, is just to high. Sadly, most D.C.s realize this when it’s too late.
…and replacing these patients is way is too expensive.
Patient procurement costs rise over time.
The cost per lead goes up and the conversion rate goes down.
Complexity is what does Chiropractors in.
Complexity is what creates high overhead.
Complexity is the #1 cause of the stress.
Complexity is why patients don’t come back and refer others.
Complexity keeps D.C.s doing busy work.
The ONLY way to really succeed in Chiropractic is to…
“Give Patients What They Want, When They Want It, & How They Want It.”
You must put them first. Their needs ahead of your own. The great Zig Ziglar once said, “To get what you want, you first have to give others what they want.” (Something to that effect).
What do patients really want? – Short-term care for their neck and back pain.
When do they want it? – When they want it and rarely when you want to sell it to them.
How the want it? – Without anything unnecessary…no matter if their insurance covers it or not.

My name is Ben Altadonna.
I am the founder of ChiroTrust® and a 1990 graduate of Life Chiropractic West.
…and I know what you are thinking.
“But Ben can I make good money providing only what patients want?”
What I am about to reveal to you will make perfect sense.
As a matter of fact, it will become clear and obviously true.
You will wonder why Chiropractic as a profession never positioned itself in this way.
Well there is a reason and I am about to reveal what Chiropractic Colleges, Vendors, Consultants, and everyone attached to this industry DON’T want YOU to know.
You can do a lot better than you are doing now (Even if you are already doing great!) without the complexity, the stress, and the worry.
Without selling or “closing” patients. Without long “report of findings”. Without all the things that we all believed from all those seminars, consultants, and gurus.
…and you can make more money than you do now with far less brain damage.
Because when you provide value even after your patients finish care, they will want to come back and refer others to you.
When you only give patients what they want, when they want it, and how they want it…and you stop ignoring them, they will return and refer…over and over again.
Now, of course, you have a moral and professional obligation to do the right thing, but if a patient simply wants pain relief, then you should give that to them and by the way…
The VAST majority of your patients only want pain relief!.
Most of your visits per week will be from your past patients walking in without an appointment to get one adjustment but they will return over and over again whenever THEY want to come back and your referrals will skyrocket. You will be as busy as you want to be.
Your exams will be short and consist of only what is necessary to determine if it is safe to treat the patient.
No sales pitch. No scripts. No scare tactics. No pressure.
No “maintenance care”, “wellness care, or pre-pays of any kind.
Instead of waiting in the office for the next patient, wondering and worrying, you will be delightfully busy spending most— if not all—your time adjusting patients every Monday thru Thursday. Taking EVERY Friday off. A 3-day weekend…each week.
For 4 full days a week (Monday-Thursday), you will be busy treating patient patients and getting paid.
You will soon be spending Friday-Sunday relaxing, recharging, having fun. Making meaningful memories with your friends and family.
You will NOT think about or worry about work.
You will NOT wonder where your next new patient is coming from.
You will NOT need to over sell, over treat, or over charge.
Every visit will be just another visit. You will not have special times dedicated for consults, exams, report of findings, re-exams, etc.
Let’s talk about “appointments”.
You will allow patients to make appointments… but you will not necessarily require them.
If a new patient needs to be seen 3 times, they can come in anytime during your office hours during the days that you recommend that they come in.
If a past patient comes in, they don’t need to call. They can just show up.
If a patient doesn’t show up, your office is not going to call them or text them. You will be calm knowing that there was a good reason and they will be back.
“Why does this work?”
Because these days, patients want CONVENIENCE more than anything else.
If most of your patients have a set appointment time, they will be more likely to either not show up, or call to reschedule but…
If they know they can come early, or even show up late…that it’s okay…or better yet, that they don’t even need to have a set appointment time, they will come see you more and more.
Nobody (including you and me) enjoys the stress of knowing that you must be somewhere at a specific time.
When you give patients what they want, when they want it, and how they want it, they come back and they tell others, and your practice magically continues to grow and become more and more predictable, reliable, stable, sustainable, AND profitable.
Your new patient stats will go up because your patients will come back and refer others without asking them to.
You will be seeing more patients but with far less effort than you are spending now… all while getting paid what you typically charge and collect per visit.
When you give patients what they want, when they want it, and how they want it, your “new patient” visits seem no different than any other visit. You won’t have to over tell, over sell, over treat, or over charge.
Most Chiropractors don’t even like new patients because of the way that they process them. But when you simplify a few things, new patients are a joy to work with.
Over time, more and more of your patients will come back at a rate that will sustain the weekly numbers that work for you.
But first, you must get more new patients until you DO have enough returning patients and referrals to enjoy the revenue that you want to generate and the type of practice that you’ve always wanted. And it’s done with…
“Multiplication by Subtraction”
…Creating an elegant practice means eliminating many of the policies and procedures that we all have been indoctrinated into believing is needed and necessary…thing that stress out the doctor, the patient, and the staff.
With multiplication by subtraction…
Less is more.
Less steps, less systems, less selling.
Less defending.
Less moving parts in your practice.
Removing colors from your Rubix cube.
In one word,
S I M P L I C I T Y.
“So Ben, this all sorta makes sense. But how do i grow my practice?…I still don’t know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it…or why I need ChiroTrust?”
WHAT FOLLOWS IS A SIMPLE FORMULA. The one solution that makes you thousands of dollars every month, all for less than $15 a day. Completely done for you…
What you are about to discover is THE FORMULA that not only is in the best interest of your patients and will get them talking about you and referring to you…a simple formula that requires…
NEW PATIENT – You need them, you’ve had them. Now it’s time to keep them.
FERTILE GROUND – What they see and don’t see in your office.
RAPPORT – How you look, listen, and how much you are liked.
PAIN RELIEF – How fast you can get them out of pain.
SHORT-TERM CARE – The distance between they want and what you want is the amount of time it takes to get them out of pain and out of your office.
CONVENIENCE – Knowing that they can come in whenever they want…with or without an appointment that they can show up early or late for.
FOREVER RELATIONSHIP/VALUE BUILDING AND MAINTAINING – In these days of constant online and offline distraction, how you can get and keep attention matters…as well as the value that you bring regardless if they are coming in or not.
ChiroTrust is “multiplication by subtraction” MAGNIFIED.
A proven formula that attracts patients who will pay, stay, and refer.
It accomplishes this outcome by providing online, offline, and all the time communication that links to an “Online Information Center” that we build and maintain for you.
- ONLINE – 3 Facebook posts per day. 5 emails per week…each linking to your very own “Online Information Center” that we use to help patients chose you over all the other options including other Chiropractors.
- OFFLINE – 2 mailings per month to your patients, 1 mailing per month to 20 medical doctors in and/or around your town.
- ALL THE TIME – Consumers and Patients being driven to . Dr. Robert Cialdini calls this powerful trigger, “Social Proof”.
The Formula:
NP/mo. X last 12 mo. X 106 = __________
Approximately how many new patients have you had in the past 12 months? Write that number down.
Multiply that number by 106. That’s the number of times each month that you can potentially get the attention of each one of these patients.
Where did we get 106?
3 posts a day, 7 days a week = 84
20 emails per month = 20
2 mailings per month = 2
All created for you by ChiroTrust.
For example, let’s say you had 100 new patients in the last 12 months…
100 X 106 = 10,600
This means 10,600 opportunities each month to communicate with your most valuable asset, your past and current patients.
Now you may be thinking…
Yes, but after 12 months, anyone that hasn’t been communicated and receiving VALUE from you every day, is as likely to come see you as a stranger. But going back a year works best because these people are way more likely to come back and refer others.
Each month your new patients will be added to your list and as your list grows, so does your practice.
Your practice will definitely grow and it won’t take much time at all.
ChiroTrust will keep your list alive and responsive…because as long as you don’t ignore them, they will remain responsive—just like a real relationship.
Your past patient value will no longer be perishable.
Imagine ignoring your spouse for a year. How do you think that will go for you?
Well, patients are no different. You must nurture the relationship and add value to it…and in this world of distraction, daily!
If you do so, in a year from now, your list will not be 100 patients. It will be more like 250 or more. Now do the math. That’s over 20,000 potential communications each month.
See, when you don’t ignore your list, your list grows. It doesn’t perish.
As your list gets bigger and bigger, more of your weekly visits will be from patients drop’n in for an adjustment. It will transform your practice once and for all.
Don’t have a list?
Starting your practice from scratch?
Broke and burned out?
That’s okay. We will help build your practice for you. You will not be alone in your journey, and we will compress time as quickly as we can for you.
Our Copyrighted Million-Dollar Business Card…
Links to Your New Online Information Center & increases new patients almost immediately. We’ll show you how

The ChiroTrust “DomeTag”
Adhere to Your Front Door or Your Window. Helps Give Patients The Trust & Confidence Needed To Return & To Refer!

Daily Health Updates
Daily New Front Counter Handouts. We add in your contact info…
You Simply Make Enough Copies. Patients Love ‘em, Share ‘em,
New Patients Keep Coming In, and Past Patients Keep Coming Back.

Your Very Own Online Information Center (O.I.C.)
Over 1,400 Articles with 7 Added Every Month & Multiple Funnels Driving them To Your “O.I.C.” & To Your Office!

The Online Information Center Postcards
This Double-Sided Small Postcards Will Drive People To Your O.I.C. and Patients To Your Practice!

“The Pain Relief Health Updates”
6 New Monthly Updates Sent To All Your Patients…“Back Pain”, “Neck Pain/Headaches”, “Joint Pain”, “Whole Body Health”, “CTS”, and “Whiplash”. Past Patients (You start by going back one year) & The Present. Then, Just Watch How Many Patients Return and Refer! Here’s a Sample:

“The Modern Physician Letter”. We mail to 20 Medical Doctors Around Your Practice & Each Month We Mail You Your Reception Room Version Too. 12 + pages ( Sample of first page below) and written for us by Dr. Dan Murphy!
Available to M.D.s online and a Reception Room Binder…
Jam Packed Proof That Chiropractic Care Truly Works!

12 Short Membership Intro. Videos & Support
As you will see, we undersell and over deliver. Once you become a member of ChiroTrust, you are family. Whatever we can do for you, we will do for you.

The Daily Free Facebook Article Posting Service
Members post at the same time each day, 3 times a day, 7 days a week. Only takes 5 minutes to schedule all of them for the entire week. Creates National consumer awareness which drives patients to ChiroTrust offices.

A Proven Pre-Tested Weekly Facebook Ads
For The Offices That Like To Boost Ads on Facebook, We Make You
New Ads Each Week That Have Been Pre-Tested and Proven To Get Attention.

Frequently Asked Questions
Does this require a lot of my time?
Absolutely not. We do all of the heavy lifting for you. Members report about 30 minutes per week tops…which can be delegated to a staff or family member. It’s easy, we promise!
How much does it cost to implement?
This all depends on how ambitious you are. ChiroTrust can be used simply to increase your patient visits or can be also used to get an associate up to speed quickly. Some of our members now own multiple offices and use ChiroTrust exclusively. So you can spend no additional money and focus only on your past and current patients, or for a few bucks a day you can really speed things up…but we recommend starting out slowly that way you don’t get too busy too quickly.
Can I control how busy I want to get?
Yes. You can dial your practice up or down…week in and week out. The choice and options are available to you. Someone on our team will be always working behind the scenes every day for you and on your practice. If you want us to slow things down, you simply contact us.
Short Summary of What We Provide…
(Even if you could find someone to research, write, and market all this for you, it would cost you over $10,000 per month.)
The Million-Dollar Business Card Template | $67.00 |
The ChiroTrust “DomeTags“ | $50.00 |
Patient Daily Health Updates | $227.00 |
Your Online Information Center | $440.00 |
The Online Information Center Postcards | $97.00 |
The Pain Relief Health Updates | $147.00 |
The Modern Physician Letter to 20 Medical Doctors plus the “In Office” Modern Physician Letter | $47.00 |
Daily Member Only “Time To Think” Emails | $150.00 |
Member Support (Call, Email, Audio) | $50.00 |
The Daily Facebook Article Posting Service | $500.00 |
New Pre-Tested Weekly Facebook Ad | $160.00 |
But you don’t pay $2,222.00. As long as you take the simple “ChiroTrust Pledge”, that simply says that you won’t do anything that is unnecessary, you pay only $397 per month for everything!…This boosts your patient referrals from your patients and from other ChiroTrust practices throughout the country…
The ChiroTrust Pledge is a commitment made by chiropractors to provide their patients with convenient, affordable, and mainstream chiropractic care. Here’s the essence of the pledge:
“To the best of my ability, I agree to provide my patients convenient, affordable, and mainstream chiropractic care. I will not use unnecessary long-term treatment plans and/or therapies.”1
ChiroTrust members are dedicated to delivering conservative, mainstream chiropractic care without sales pressure, excessive costs, or unnecessary therapies. Their primary goal is to help patients find relief from neck and back pain.
“THE PATIENT RELEASE LETTER” – Mailed out to every patient once they are released. The letter is appropriate, professional, and makes referring you patients their idea. Our members drop in 3 ChiroTrust business cards which stimulates referrals almost immediately.
“BENJAMIN FRANKLIN LETTER” – To start each year with a bang, send to your patients every January. This letter is legendary amongst members. Every January they send it out and BOOM…they beat their pre-holiday weekly patient visits.
“THE 20 EMAIL NEW PATIENT SEQUENCE” – With the help of doctors Steve Yeomans and Dan Murphy, each new patient will receive a specific 20 email sequence. This is how you fix any new patient dropouts without looking defensive. Nothing is more elegant, professional, and makes your patients glad they chose you and happy to tell others.
3 steps to making your practice pop…
- Fill out below
- Watch the videos that we will be sending you. (Super short)
- Look forward to a nice welcome package that will be immediately shipped out to you.
And welcome to the ChiroTrust family…this is your best move ever!…